

ruby25-daemon_controller-1.2.0 – robust daemon management


daemon_controller is a library for starting and stopping specific
daemons programmatically in a robust, race-condition-free manner.

It's not a daemon monitoring system like God or Monit. It's also not a
library for writing daemons.

It provides the following functionality:

    Starting daemons. If the daemon fails to start then an exception
    will be raised. daemon_controller can even detect failures that
    occur after the daemon has already daemonized.

    Starting daemons is done in a race-condition-free manner. If another
    process using daemon_controller is trying to start the same daemon,
    then daemon_controller will guarantee serialization.

    daemon_controller also raises an exception if it detects that the
    daemon is already started.

    Connecting to a daemon, starting it if it's not already started.
    This too is done in a race-condition-free manner. If the daemon
    fails to start then an exception will be raised.

    Stopping daemons.

    Checking whether a daemon is running.

WWW: https://github.com/FooBarWidget/daemon_controller

devel lang/ruby

Library dependencies


Build dependencies

Run dependencies