The PostgreSQL Toolbox is a collection of small programs to aid the PostgreSQL administrator and developer. * pgcomment parses SQL files which should contain DDL and (javadoc) comments and can generate the appropriate COMMENT ON statements or HTML and LaTeX fragments. * pgstat shows the queries the PostgreSQL server is currently executing and optionally idle connections. * listdb lists all databases like the \l+ command in psql. * dbsize tells the overall size of a single database. * dbrelationsize tells the size of tables, view, indices, sequences of a specific database. * dbstat prints the collected statistics about a database. * listlock prints locks held by a database. * xloginfo shows the current write and insert location in the xlogs. * pg_file2str reads a file from STDIN or the filename given as its first command line argument and prints the file properly escaped as a PostgreSQL string literal to STDOUT.